Affordable rent
Secure tenancy
Reputable landlord
Community investment
High quality homes

Corporate Structure

The Beyond Housing Group comprises a registered provider of social housing, Beyond Housing Limited, and a subsidiary board, Beyond Housing Sales Limited.


The Beyond Housing Group board meets a minimum of four times a year. The Group board sets and drives the achievement of the organisation’s mission and values; it sets ambitious strategies and oversees the delivery of these; and it actively manages the risks faced by the organisation, obtains assurance over control effectiveness, and ensures that the organisation is financially viable. It oversees the work of the subsidiary Beyond Housing Sales.

The Group board is supported by the following committees:


Audit and risk committee

The audit and risk committee meets four times a year. It is responsible for ensuring a sound system of internal control and risk management is embedded across the group. The committee exercises oversight of the internal and external audit functions.

Governance and review committee

The governance and review committee meets four times a year. It is responsible for board director succession planning, recruitment and selection of non-executive directors, board training and development, ensuring the appraisal and remuneration of the chief executive is carried out and for addressing any conduct or standards issues. The committee oversees and reviews governance arrangements to ensure that best governance standards and practices are upheld, particularly in relation to statutory and regulatory changes.

Development committee

The development committee meets every six weeks and is responsible for oversight of Beyond Housing’s programme of development.

Governance effectiveness

The board undertakes regular assurance reviews to ensure that its governance arrangements are operating well and efficiently, publishing a summary of the outcomes of this review in the annual report and financial statements.