
Our strategy

Helping our customers and communities to succeed and thrive – 2020-2025

We are an aspirational organisation with outstanding colleagues. We genuinely care about the work we do to transform the lives of our customers. It’s just our way of life. Our culture is underpinned by our purpose, mission and values and is at the heart of everything we do. This is both a promise to our customers and an inspiration to colleagues.

Our purpose: To help our customers and communities succeed and thrive.

Our mission: To provide services our customers value, homes they want and places they are proud of, all delivered by people who care.

Respecting, trusting and caring about each other and the customers we serve

Working smarter together and with our partners to deliver quality homes, services and living spaces

For ourselves, for our customers and communities. We aim higher to achieve more

For the decisions we make and the services we provide. We own it – every time

We have a bold vision for the future, offering enormous opportunity. By 2025 we’re set to achieve four ambitious objectives for our services, homes, places and people:


Providing quality services to our customers


Building new homes and keeping our existing homes in top condition


Investing in our neighbourhoods to create great places to live and work


Being a great place to work for our people.

Our priorities

Our priorities for the next five years are to:

  • Invest in our homes, neighbourhoods and services to meet the changing needs of our customers and communities
  • Increase customer satisfaction, particularly in relation to repairs and making sure access to our services is easy
  • Offer a range of ways for our customers to get involved in shaping and improving our services
  • Build strong and lasting partnerships with local authorities to join up our investment, maximise our impact and boost the economic growth of Tees Valley and North Yorkshire.
Our plan

For the next five years we’re focused on achieving four main objectives:

  • Providing quality services to our customers
  • Building new homes and keeping our existing homes in top condition
  • Investing in our neighbourhoods to create great places to live and work
  • Being a great place to work for our people.
What will we do?

Over the next five years…


We’ll create great customer experiences by:

  • Working with our customers to define the new Beyond Housing customer experience
  • Upgrading our digital offer and tailoring it to customer needs
  • Growing our independent and supported living services to support our older and more vulnerable customers to stay in their home for longer.


We’ll provide great homes by:

  • Building 2000 new homes for rent and sale
  • Delivering a new Beyond Housing home standard that exceeds customer expectations with safety as the priority
  • Getting our repairs service right first time
  • Making our homes green and energy efficient.


We’ll create great places to live by:

  • Investing in our communities and neighbourhoods
  • Supporting our customers into employment, training and learning opportunities
  • Offering apprenticeship and volunteering opportunities to local people
  • Offering advice and support services to customers to sustain tenancies and keep communities together.


We’ll make Beyond Housing a great place to work by:

  • Embedding the Beyond Housing culture – the spirit that makes Beyond Housing tick
  • Being recognised regionally and nationally for our investment in our people
  • Offering learning and development opportunities that attract, nurture and retain the very best talent
  • Being an equal, diverse, safe and vibrant place to work.
How will we do it?

We’ll achieve our ambitions by:

  • Introducing new technology, streamlining the way we work and making us more efficient at what we do
  • Using what we know about our homes and customers to invest our money and time wisely
  • Investing more in our homes and the services that matter the most to our customers
  • Driving improvements in our performance, particularly in letting homes quickly, keeping them in good repair, providing a great service to our customers and collecting rent and other income for reinvestment into services and homes
  • Building strong partnerships with local authorities, service providers and community groups to maximise our impact and join up our investment plans and priorities.

Download a copy of our strategy

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