
Be involved with Beyond Housing


As a Beyond Housing customer, we know you are the experts on the services you receive from us. We are continually working to improve services and have a range of opportunities for you to play your part to help shape the services you receive. Come and join us on this journey learning more about how you can be involved.

By signing up you can participate in as much or as little as you like, from completing quick surveys to workshop experiences there are different opportunities for all 

We appreciate and value your time to be involved with us and we will ensure any expenses are reimbursed along with opportunities to access rewards such as gift vouchers as a thank you for your feedback and time.


Beyond Housing’s Community Fund

We’re excited to introduce the Beyond Housing Community Fund, offering financial support to community projects and activities that align with either one or both of our key themes:

  • Keeping communities warm and well – Projects that promote health, wellbeing, and energy efficiency in our neighbourhoods 
  • Bringing people together – Initiatives that foster connection, belonging, and social interaction amongst residents.

Customer stamp of approval

Wherever you see this stamp, our customers have been involved or consulted on the services they receive. Join our group of customers who give our content the customer stamp of approval.

Involved customers

We produce quarterly Customer Voice reports, summarising positive changes that have been made to services following valuable feedback from you, our customers.

Our involvement with Tpas

We’re a member of the independent tenant support organisation, Tpas. Customers can sign up to receive access to a range of free resources such as webinars, training and the latest news.

Upcoming opportunities to get involved

Check out our upcoming activities below and if you’re interested and would like more information, click the Be Involved button link to sign up.

What’s happened so far …

Ensuring you have the opportunity to provide the feedback that shapes the service you receive is essential in developing a great customer experience. We have been developing this journey to ensure customer feedback is used to inform policies and procedures, to help with internal service design and to develop external partnerships to provide the services customers want.

Take a look at what engagement activity has taken place within the last year:

Engagement activity highlights:

You said, we did

Engagement with our customers has influenced several changes and enhancements to our services and communities.

From anti-social behaviour prevention and £1 theatre tickets to breaking down language barriers and improving green spaces.

Click the link below to view some great ‘you said, we did’ examples.

Damp & Mould Policy consultations

Over 500 customers participated in our consultations to gain insight into customers’ expectations of our approach to damp and mould. You wanted the policy to recognise the impact damp and mould issues can have on you and your home. We have made this the focus of the damp and mould service offer, detailing how customer health and safety is paramount in dealing with damp and mould.

Communal cleaning tender exercise

A tender process (bids for contracts) to appoint a new cleaning supplier to carry out communal cleaning services in which 85 customers took part in a consultation to determine satisfaction of the current customer experience, while establishing expectations of a new service. 

Anti-social behavior (ASB) review

200 customers provided feedback on expectations, clarity in responsibilities and what’s most important to them. The feedback from this consultation has fed directly into creating a new Anti-Social Behavior Policy and updated procedure, including refreshed content on the ASB web page. Look out for the new customer stamp of approval.

Rent feedback

We gathered feedback from 296 customers on the April 2023 7% rent increase. 83% agreed with the rent increase being capped below inflation at 7%. The feedback was used to inform future rent setting and follow-on actions such as further communication to customers.

Neighbourhood Policy

We consulted with 287 customers to understand what makes a good or successful neighbourhood and what customers expect from Beyond Housing to support our communities to succeed and thrive. 54% said neighbourhood means some form of community spirit, and living near ‘friendly’ neighbours was ranked most important, followed by feeling safe and secure. 

Tenancy Management Policy

438 customers were involved in this consultation to establish their wants, needs and expectations of the service and to review the draft policy.

Customer engagement activities

For the financial year 2022/23 we have run a total of 34 customer engagement activities across the business with 4,600 customers who have engaged and provided feedback equating to 31% of our customer baseIf you want to be involved in future activities, please sign up below.

Adaptations Policy

Our Adaptations Policy review consultation involved over 90 service users focusing on the range of minor adaptations we currently offer and obtaining perspective on whether there is any service provision that could better support customers to remain independent in their home.

Customer Engagement Policy 

As part of the Customer Engagement Policy review process, a customer consultation was launched which incorporated a mix of face-to-face customer conversations, a digital survey and stakeholder engagement with independent body Tpas, providing a peer review in March 2023.

Church Lane North

As part of the Church Lane North regeneration, local residents were involved in a community survey about their expectations and opportunities for customers. The feedback from 46 customers influenced partnership initiatives; including an employability campaign, community activities and use of the community hub.

CompAir damp monitor trial

Four customer households took part in a trial in their homes over several months and provided feedback on their experiences of using the damp monitoring equipment.

Damp and mould policy feedback

We have consulted with 522 customers to gain a collective insight into what you want and expect from our approach to damp and mould.

The feedback from this consultation has fed directly into our updated Damp, Mould & Condensation Policy.

Privacy statement survey feedback

In May 2024, we consulted with 40 customers for feedback on our Privacy Statement booklet. The feedback was used to compile a picture of what customers’ thoughts are about the booklet.

Take a look at the activities that took place in previous years.

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