
Application Guidance  

Key milestones

  • Beyond Housing Community Fund launch: Monday 2 September 2024 
  • Deadline for application submissions: Friday 25 October 2024 
  • Community Fund Panel assess applications: November 2024 
  • Funding awarded to successful groups: December 2024 

All funding must be spent by the end of March 2025.


The Beyond Housing Community Fund has been developed to support Beyond Housing’s approach to social value. One of our key objectives is to invest in our neighbourhoods to create great places to live and work. We appreciate the important role local organisations and community groups play in making customers and communities succeed and thrive.   

The creation of the Beyond Housing Community Fund provides an opportunity for local community projects and activities to be strengthened with funding support.  

Project objectives should meet one or both of the following themes: 

  • Keeping communities warm and well
  • Bringing people together.


You can apply for funding grants up to a maximum of £500 for your project. The Beyond Housing Community Fund opens for applications from Monday 2 September 2024. The funding will be open for eight weeks with the deadline for application submissions on Friday 25 October 2024.

Benefit areas 

Your project must directly impact people in at least one of the following areas. To see a full breakdown of these districts please use the drop-down options on the Community Fund web page

Bedale Scarborough District
Darlington Southbank
East Cleveland District Spencerbeck District
Grangetown District Stockton
Middlesbrough Whitby District
Redcar District

General eligibility 

To apply for the Beyond Housing Community Fund, your organisation must be either a small voluntary organisation, community group, parish and town council, small charity or other type of not-for-profit organisation such as a Community Interest Company or Community Benefits Society. Groups will be required to submit a copy of their constitution, articles of association or appropriate governing document, along with a copy of public liability documentation or policy statement on safeguarding children if the project involves working with children. 

You must have a bank account in your group/organisation’s name, not a person’s account. 

Who and what cannot be funded?

  • Private businesses or individuals  
  • Work normally funded from statutory sources 
  • Work undertaken by or on behalf of statutory bodies as part of their statutory activities 
  • Prize money or purchase of gifts 
  • Lones, deposits or on-granting  
  • Work of a political nature 
  • Work undertaken by/on behalf of schools, colleges or universities as part of their statutory curricular activities 
  • Work where the main beneficiaries are animals 
  • Work which does not directly benefit people living in one of the defined areas. 

How to apply  

  1. Ensure you meet all the eligibility and fund criteria above and that the fund is currently accepting applications
  2. Complete the online application form. A paper version of the application form can be made available upon request. Please email BeInvolved@beyondhousing.co.uk 
  3. Attach any supporting documents for your application to the online application. Examples of supporting documents could include:  
    • Organisations constitution/governing document/set of rules/articles of association 
    • A copy of organisation’s public liability certification 
    • A safeguarding policy or statement if your project works directly with children or vulnerable adults.

Application assessment

To support Beyond Housing’s approach to social value, the creation of a customer Community Fund Panel (CFP) will empower our residents to take an active role in allocating funding to be invested into the local community. Recruitment of interested Beyond Housing residents will consist of 5 – 7 panel members, although this can be increased so long as it equates to odd numbers in case of a tie situation. The CFP members will be given a minimum of two weeks to evaluate all of the funding summaries and submit their completed scoring matrix detailing their scoring figures and recommendations to either fund or decline each of the applications.  

The funding matrix will provide a scoring guide for residents along with a declaration of any conflict of interest to ensure consistency and fairness within the scoring process. Applications will receive higher scores if projects have been match funded or have in-kind contributions by other project partners.  

Monitoring and evaluation 

As a requirement of funding, all organisations will be asked to complete a project end-of-grant monitoring and evaluation form for us to compile evidence of the project’s success. Should your funding application be successful, the link to this document will be sent to you when your payment is made.  

All funding must be spent by March 2025 and we must receive a completed project monitoring and evaluation form by this date too. If you spend your funding before this date, you may choose to send over your project information earlier. We would also welcome any photos (if you have obtained the appropriate permissions to share) for Beyond Housing to display on our website and social media. Please ensure that Beyond Housing is included in any publicity and our logo can be provided in different formats for this purpose upon request. 

The evidence provided within these evaluations will be communicated to our Community Fund Panel members along with project summaries celebrating the successes on our Beyond Housing website and social media to inform our wider customer base. 

Failure to spend all funding by the end of March 2025 and to provide a completed end-of-grant monitoring and evaluation form will mean that your group will not be eligible to apply for funding via the Beyond Housing Community Fund again in the future.  

Further support 

If you require any assistance with the completion of your application, please email BeInvolved@beyondhousing.co.uk.

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