
Financial support this winter

As the days get colder and the nights draw in faster it’s safe to say the winter months are now upon us, often bringing with them an increase in energy bills.

It’s important to know that if you are on low-income you can access financial help, as the Government, energy suppliers and local authorities all provide grants to help you pay your energy.

The key is knowing where to look, which is why we have included more information about each of them below. They are:

  • Household Support Funding
  • Warm Home Discount Scheme
  • Winter Fuel Payment.

If you would like a friendly chat with a member of our team about accessing support, please call 01642 771326 (Redcar) or 01723 343420 (Scarborough) or email the team – rent.income@beyondhousing.co.uk 

Household Support Fund

On Thursday 30 September 2021 the Government announced a Household Support Fund of £500 million to be distributed to local authorities in England to provide small grant assistance to low-income households over the winter period.

The funding is there to help support you if you’re struggling with your energy bills, food costs and other essentials, as many people are still continuing to recover financially from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Please use the links below to the Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council website or the North Yorkshire County Council website for more information about the Household Support Fund, eligibility and how you can apply.

Warm Home Discount Scheme

You could get £140 off your electricity bill for winter 2021 to 2022 under the Warm Home Discount Scheme. The money is not paid to you – it’s a one-off discount on your electricity bill, between October 2021 and March 2022.

Find out which energy suppliers are part of the scheme in Winter.


Winter Fuel Payment

If you were born on or before 26 September 1955 you could get between £100 and £300 to help you pay your heating bills – this is known as a Winter Fuel Payment.

You will get your Winter Fuel Payment automatically (you do not need to claim) if you’re eligible and either:

  • Get the State Pension
  • Get another social security benefit (not Housing Benefit, Council Tax Reduction, Child Benefit or Universal Credit).


No matter which energy company you are with – if you’re struggling with your bills, you are not alone and British Gas Energy Trust can help. Have a look at some of the support resources on their website.

Get in touch with our friendly team to chat about financial support this winter. You can telephone them on 01642 771326 (Redcar) or 01723 343420 (Scarborough) or email rent.income@beyondhousing.co.uk

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