How to be a Great Neighbour
We all have a right to live peacefully in our homes and we all have a responsibility to be a great neighbour. The pressures of modern life mean we all have our off days and we need to make a special effort to get along so everyone can enjoy living in their home and neighbourhood.
- Consider your neighbours and their circumstances and try to be tolerant. Remember, some people cannot easily stop some behaviour (e.g. babies crying)
- If you own a pet, take all reasonable steps to keep your pet under control so as not to cause a nuisance or annoyance to anyone in your neighbourhood. Animals should stay outdoors for short periods of time and always remember those handy disposable bags when you’re out and about to ensure you’re prepared if your pet fouls in public places
- Try to carry out unavoidable noisy activities such as DIY jobs during the hours of 8am to 7pm Monday to Saturday and 10am to 5pm on a Sunday
- Keep the volume of noise (including any music equipment, radios and televisions) as low as possible, especially at night. Position loud speakers well away from adjoining walls
- Ensure your house alarm is set to turn off after 20 minutes if it is activated and make sure a key holder can be contacted if your house alarm goes off while you are on holiday
- If your neighbour has washing on the line, delay burning any garden waste or having a barbecue, or give them a knock and let them know that’s what you intend to do. Position your barbecue where the smoke and smell will least likely blow onto their properties
- When you park your vehicle, make sure your neighbours have access to their driveways. If it’s late at night, close your doors quietly and turn off your headlights as soon as it is safe to do so
- We can help to maintain a friendly relationship with our neighbours by communicating regularly with them, listening to any problems they have and having open conversations to help find solutions. Keep your neighbours informed of any impending work or parties that may affect them.
Great neighbours make great neighbourhoods.
If you do experience anti-social behaviour, you can report it here and select the option to ‘report anti-social behaviour’.