Report anti-social behaviour
We are committed to ensuring you enjoy your right to peace, quiet and security in your home.
We recognise anti-social behaviour (ASB) can affect the lives of individuals and, in some cases, can disrupt a community.
We provide an effective and efficient service to resolve problems quickly and, where appropriate, take enforcement action against perpetrators.
Hate crime
Any incident which constitutes a criminal offence, which is perceived by the victim or any other person as being motivated by prejudice or hate.
Fly-tipping is a criminal offence for which you can be prosecuted. We take fly-tipping seriously and if we identify anyone who has dumped illegal waste serious action will be taken.
A mediator will deal with cases not likely to amount to a breach of tenancy such as a dispute between neighbours, a lifestyle clash or minor nuisance.
We work with the office of the police and crime commissioner and other agencies to develop effective strategies for dealing with ASB.