
Mediation support

Sometimes relationships between neighbours can break down for a number of reasons. We believe that with some mediation support, we can help to make the situation better for both parties by amicably agreeing on a way forward.

Mediation helps to resolve or better manage disputes by reaching agreements about what can change now to create better futures. Mediators play a neutral role and will always remain impartial.

Mediation will be encouraged, as appropriate, in cases where there is a potential breach of tenancy as this can be an effective way of resolving an issue. If you feel that you could benefit from mediation, or you would like more information on the service, please select ‘find out more about mediation’ in the form below, fill in your details and a member of the team will be in touch.

Frequently asked questions about mediation

Want to find out more about mediation? Take a look at our frequently asked questions to learn more.

What is mediation?

Mediation is a way of resolving disputes between neighbours.

It can be used in a range of situations and involves an impartial mediator who helps everyone come to a mutual agreement.

Your mediator will not take sides in the dispute. They are there to make sure your voice is heard. Your mediator will remain impartial and not judge anyone.


Why mediation?

Mediation is voluntary and offers you the opportunity to discuss matters in a relaxed, confidential setting.

Our aim is to help everyone reach a win/win agreement.

How does it work?

Your mediator first speaks with everyone separately, listening to their view on the situation.

Everyone will then have the opportunity to come together with the mediator in a safe, impartial environment.

Why does it work?

Mediation helps everyone find the best way forward. It is a quick way to resolve issues and focuses on the future.

Your mediator helps everyone focus on solutions rather than the problem.

What does the mediator do?

Your mediator is there to make sure everyone feels comfortable and confident about what is happening. By working together every issue has a solution.

What next?

The first step in mediation is for your mediator to contact everyone individually to arrange an initial appointment.

Your mediator will then arrange for a meeting which everyone is comfortable with to help facilitate an agreement.

Where next?

Your mediator will be available to answer any questions you may have.

Everyone will be treated with respect and dignity and made to feel as comfortable as possible during meetings.

Need help

Need more advice about mediation?

Call us today on 0345 065 5656 or email mediation@beyondhousing.co.uk.

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