
Nykhol work and training success story


Nykki has been facing difficulties finding employment for quite some time now, which has been impacting her mental health and has taken a toll on her confidence and motivation. Nykki has a keen interest in digital communications and wants to set up her own business, but she is unsure of where to start.


Early in the process, we referred Nykki for counselling and support from an energy doctor. We explored job opportunities that aligned with her interests, but the options didn’t seem quite right. That’s when she decided to leverage her digital marketing qualification and establish a business to promote local organisations online. We worked with her to create a business plan and discussed the possibility of referring her to Yorkshire in Business for additional support; however, she was satisfied with her existing plan.


After joining the program, Nykki finished her counselling sessions and organised a payment plan to settle her debt. She feels that she is now in a better position. Additionally, she has selected a company name, designed marketing materials, advertised her business on local community pages, and created her Facebook page, all set for launching.

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