
Church Lane North Regeneration 

Investing £16 million in affordable homes for our flagship regeneration at Church Lane North, Eston.

We’ve begun work on the regeneration of Church Lane North, investing £16 million in improvements to the estate, new home development and community engagement projects. The regeneration will keep community at its heart, working alongside local residents to build a community people can be proud of.

Our story

Church Lane North is an estate of 318 homes in the Grangetown area of Greater Eston, Redcar and Cleveland.

The local community is strong and resilient. With a history founded in the iron and steel industry, it has felt the effects of industry collapse and retained a great sense of local pride. We knew from the start it was this sense of community we wanted to capture and grow with the regeneration scheme, giving residents an estate and a home they could be proud of and encouraging people to put down roots.

Initial consultation with residents on potential regeneration works highlighted a range of areas for improvement, such as the addition of private gardens, parking spaces, improved privacy and better estate navigation. These ideas formed the design principles for the initial proposals, consulted on in May 2018.

The regeneration will provide an improved home offer for our existing customers living on the estate, with new roofing and external wall insulation applied to increase the energy efficiency of the homes while also improving their visual aesthetic.

Take a look around

Want to know what the completed estate will look like? Take a virtual tour with this clever fly-through video, showing how the future Church Lane North will look after the regeneration.

Progress update

Take a look at this short video of the story of Church Lane North so far.

It provides a glimpse of what the estate will look like once the works are complete, as well as showing some of the fantastic improvements that have already been made!

Supporting improvements 

As well as work on existing homes to improve insulation and the external appearance, the regeneration will also see changes to the layout of the estate, resulting in larger gardens and improvements to parking. Some older housing has been demolished to make way for a more simplified layout as well as the development of new build properties in a mixture of styles, sizes and tenures, including a number of bungalows for people who require accessible housing. Some of these new homes are for sale through the affordable home ownership options of shared ownership and rent to buy through our sales company, Viola Homes. By increasing the range of types of homes available here, we are able to better meet the diverse housing needs in the area and provide a more inclusive affordable housing offer for the estate and the wider community of Grangetown. 

Through a strong programme of community engagement during the works, the regeneration will also aim to improve the lives of residents through employment advice and support and opportunities to engage in the design and development process. A dedicated community hub in a converted house is also available on the estate which provides a multi-functional space for both Beyond Housing colleagues and customers to use. 

What’s happened so far?

November 2023

An open house was held at two of the recently completed homes for potential buyers and residents to look around and see how the regeneration is progressing. The sales and project team were on hand to show people around and answer questions about the homes available through rent to buy. Viola Homes.

October 2023

Our contractors, Equans, hosted a community clean up day where colleagues from Beyond Housing and Equans joined together to litter pick and remove rubbish from the estate. We collected a total of 61 bags of rubbish, as well as a number of bulky items collected by our dedicated caretaker. 

July 2023

The first two handovers took place and we were delighted to welcome the new residents to the estate. By adding to the range of homes on the estate by type and size, available to rent and through shared ownership and rent to buy, the offer better meets the areas’ diverse housing needs and provides more inclusive and affordable housing.

March 2023

Planned works to gardens and fencing began across the estate, starting with door-to-door briefings. Residents will benefit from extended private rear gardens, new secure fencing and many will now have private, on-plot parking spaces to replace the old communal parking courts.

January 2023  

By January, all external wall insulation and reroofing to existing homes was completed, transforming the look of the estate. These works have made homes more energy efficient and helped to blend the look of existing properties with the new build homes on site to create a cohesive look and feel.  

September 2022  

The regeneration project welcomed Redcar MP, Jacob Young, and Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council Leader, Cllr Mary Lanigan, to view the progress being made on site. 

June 2022

In addition to the physical works on site, Beyond Housing has launched a strong community engagement program on the estate, and in June 2022 made a donation of £2,400 to St Mary’s Primary School to contribute towards a school trip to London.

May 2022

A consultation was held at the Community Hub to give residents the chance to help co-design two open spaces on the estate that are being created as part of the regeneration.

March 2022

Throughout the first half of 2022, the works to add render, cladding and brick slips to existing homes began, transforming the appearance of the estate street by street.

February 2022

Demolition work began in February as part of our £16m scheme to regenerate the area.

The project will provide improvements to existing homes. along with new affordable homes for rent, shared ownership and rent to buy.

October 2021

We officially launched the £16m regeneration scheme on Monday 18 October 2021, in partnership with contractor EQUANS. Residents joined in the celebrations with an event at the new community hub on the estate, enjoying food, a magic show, face painting and more.

September 2021

In September, contracts were signed with Engie for the completion of the Church Lane North regeneration scheme. This huge milestone secured the £16 million investment being made on the estate. Work to individual properties is due to start in October, and residents can start to see preparations for work taking place on site, including the installation of the site compound.

August 2021

On Friday 6 August 2021, we celebrated the opening of the Church Lane North Community Hub with a fun-filled event.

Chair of the Board James Hayward was joined by Cath, Sandra and Gary from the resident working group to officially cut the ribbon and welcome visitors to the hub.

March 2021

The Beyond Housing Board approved the regeneration plans, enabling us to proceed to enter into contract with Engie Regeneration Ltd.

February 2021

A customer promise was agreed with residents to outline our commitment to involve, inform, collaborate and respond to them throughout the works. Customers also began to feed into decisions on how the community hub and estate signage would look and feel, choosing the purple colour to tie in with the uniform of their local primary school.

November 2020

A new, dedicated caretaker was introduced to the Church Lane North estate, supporting us to increase cleanliness to improve the look of the area and help residents to feel proud of where they live.

October 2020

Work began to transform an empty property into a community hub for residents and Beyond Housing to use throughout the regeneration process. The intensive works included plastering and redecorating, new flooring, replacement glass in windows and installing a kitchen and bathroom.

November 2018

The resident working group was set up to gain insight into the opinions of customers throughout the regeneration process. The contractor Engie provided a presentation to the group, which outlined their proposals, experience of similar projects, and explained in detail how the scheme would be phased across the site.

May 2018

Residents were consulted with on initial proposals for a large scale regeneration project at Church Lane North, with an opportunity to feed in ideas and suggestions based on what they value most.

Frequently asked questions

Will I be asked to leave my home during the works?

We will be able to carry out all works whilst you continue to live in your home. There will be some minor noise disruption when the works are being carried out, but the contractor will seek to keep any potential disturbance to a minimum.

Will there be any disturbance payments/compensation made?

This is something we are not proposing to offer. While there will be some minor noise disruption while the work is being carried out, we will seek to keep any potential disturbance to a minimum.

Why do you want to make the changes?

We want to complete the regeneration work on the Church Lane North estate to create a safer community, with the additions of private gardens and individual parking, and to improve the desirability of the area as a place to live. The changes will also tackle anti-social behaviour issues associated with the current layout of the estate.

Will my rent change?

No, not as a result of the works we are carrying out. As with all of our tenancies, your home will still be subject to the annual rent review, but the larger garden size won’t be factored into this review.

Will there be any changes to my tenancy agreement?

There will be no changes to your tenancy agreement as a result of the works.

Can I refuse the works?

We want to complete the works we’ve proposed to improve both your home and the estate as a whole. If you’re concerned about the proposed changes to your home, we would welcome the opportunity to discuss this with you in more detail to try to address any worries you might have.

What are the parking proposals?

One of our aims is to provide every home with a parking space. Where possible this will be within the boundary of your home. Where this isn’t viable, for example because installing a driveway would not be possible due to the rules around where they can be placed, it will be an identified space in a parking bay off the main road as close to your home as possible.

What is happening with external wall insulation?

We will be adding a layer of insulated board to the outside of your home and this will then be covered with a render or cladding. It will not reduce the size of your living accommodation and will help to keep your home better insulated. This means it should be warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer.

What will be included in the garden improvements?

We will seed the additional area of garden space and install new fencing. If we are also installing a new gate or shed to your garden, we will provide a footpath so that these can be accessed. We will also provide the railings/fencing to the front of your home, together with the parking spaces as shown on the plans where applicable.

Who is responsible for garden maintenance?

As part of the improvements and addition of private gardens, the increased area will be your responsibility to maintain. If you are part of our garden maintenance scheme, this additional area will be included.

How do I join the CLN Facebook group?

If you would like to join the Church Lane North Facebook group to keep up to date with what’s happening with the regeneration, just search ‘Beyond Housing Church Lane North’ and click join to become a member. You’ll then easily be able to message us directly, share your thoughts, participate in polls and enter prize draws!

What roads will be affected due to the works and is there going to be an alternative route?

There will be some disruption to all roads across the estate throughout the lifetime of the scheme whilst new roads are being constructed. However, access to all properties will be maintained throughout and the contractor will discuss and agree any alternative routes, temporary parking arrangements etc in advance.

Are the already existing properties also going to be improved (internally)?

Not as part of this programme of works. All the major elements of each property (kitchens, bathrooms, doors, windows etc) are on individual replacement programmes based on their expected lifespan, so these elements will be updated when required, but not necessarily all at once.

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