
We’ve updated our Complaints and Compliments Policy

Tuesday 16 February 2021

Having a clear way to tell us when things don’t meet your expectations is important to you, along with a timely and fair response.

Having consulted with customers and taken guidance from the Housing Ombudsman’s Complaint Handling Code, we’ve made some changes to our existing Complaints and Compliments Policy to help us better manage any complaints you may have.

We have also completed the Housing Ombudsman Complaint Handling: Self-Assessment Form.

You may also want to tell us when we’ve got things right.

This too helps us improve our service – as we’ll keep doing the things that make you happy.

So when you tell us, we will record it as a compliment and share it with our colleagues, to help us all understand what you value.

We’re confident that working together we can resolve your complaint to your satisfaction. If you ever need extra support or advice, the Housing Ombudsman is on hand to support you.

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