Beyond Housing receives regulator’s top grading
Beyond Housing has received the highest possible grading of G1 (governance) V1 (financial viability) following a recent In-Depth Assessment by the Regulator of Social Housing (RSH).
The ratings reflect the regulator’s assurance in the way Beyond Housing is governed and managed, and its financial stability.
It is the first In-Depth Assessment since Beyond Housing was formed in October 2018 following the merger of Coast & Country Housing and Yorkshire Coast Homes. The housing provider was previously graded G2/V1.
The report stated that ‘Based on the evidence gained from an In Depth Assessment (IDA), the regulator has assurance that Beyond’s governance arrangements enable it to adequately control the organisation and to continue meeting its objectives. Compliance and risk management arrangements are satisfactory, and the board has effective oversight of the management of the risks associated with the delivery of its strategy.
The provider has strengthened systems and processes around statutory compliance and improved performance monitoring and reporting. Beyond has subjected its business plan to appropriate stress testing and now has mitigation plans and trigger thresholds in place.’
Rosemary Du Rose, chief executive of Beyond Housing, said: “This judgement reflects the hard work and commitment of colleagues across our organisation.
“It is incredibly rewarding to have that recognised by the regulator and gives our customers and stakeholders the reassurance that Beyond Housing is a well-run, financially viable business.
“We now look forward to building on this success and delivering our new five year strategy so that we can ultimately help the customers and communities that we serve”