Affordable rent
Secure tenancy
Reputable landlord
Community investment
High quality homes

Health and wellbeing

Health and wellbeing is a huge priority for Beyond Housing, for our customers and our colleagues. We have a five year people plan and it has five pillars, with one being wellbeing. Our Leadership team are all involved with approving and committing to this plan. We also have a dedicated HR partner who we nominate as the lead for wellbeing, working alongside a number of fantastic health advocates.

Our health advocates are a group of colleagues who are passionate about health and wellbeing. They aim to raise awareness of health topics and contribute to the development of a positive wellbeing culture in the workplace and beyond. Each year we hold regular colleague surveys to seek views about the health and wellbeing plans, helping us to shape the plan for the year and deliver all the exciting campaigns and activities.

We also have a dedicated team of senior health and wellbeing champions in the business who are invested in our plans. They help to design, deliver and review the annual plan of campaigns and offer support to our health advocate team.

Events and campaigns

Our health advocates lead on a variety of events and campaigns throughout the year. Here’s an idea of all the amazing events we have ran:

Step challenge

You can get involved in one of our step challenges – a team competition where you are encouraged to walk as many steps as you can each week. You can win awards for bronze, silver and gold and even win some high street vouchers!

Health checks

We offer regular health checks, offering checks on your blood pressure, ECG heart check, pulse check and heart fitness evaluation, height, weight, BMI, body fat %, subcutaneous fat %, visceral fat % and free weight and body measurements.

Wellbeing week

We run yearly wellbeing weeks which include laughter yoga, better sleep session, meditation, seated yoga, healthy eating, stress management and relaxation support.


We run workshops with a specialist GP about perimenopause and menopause and provide colleagues with a menopause guide.

Charity football

We support a local charity football event which has had huge success raising money for a charity of our choice.


Various signposting and support on the various types of cancers, medical conditions, smoking, drug and alcohol support, oral health and much more.

Financial wellbeing

We have launched a financial support guide for colleagues and offer support with pensions, pre-retirement sessions and more.

Wellbeing room

We have just opened a brand-new wellbeing room which will be available to all colleagues to use throughout their working day.

The room could be used in a variety of ways, we have yoga mats available and bean bags to relax in. Colleagues are able to book this room and use it in a way which supports their wellbeing.

Better Health at Work – Gold award

We are now proud to be able to say we have recently achieved the Gold award through Better Health at work for all of our health and wellbeing and are striving to continuously improve our health and wellbeing plans.


Continuing Excellence

We’re also delighted to have achieved the Continuing Excellence level in the Better Health at Work Award scheme.

Mental health

We also have over 20 Mental Health First Aiders (MHFA) trained to support our colleagues. Our MHFAs are trained to spot signs of people experiencing poor mental health and are able to start conversations and signpost colleagues to the appropriate support. We have offered training on mental health awareness to all of our colleagues and a separate session for line managers too.

Our MHFAs have also supported a variety of events throughout the year which include:

  • Time to talk event/Brew Monday
  • Mental health talk from an external speaker, sharing their experience with poor mental health and how they have overcome this
  • Drop in coffee and cake sessions for colleagues to take time out to connect with our MHFAs
  • Stress Awareness Week with a toolkit and workshops on managing workload
  • Samaritans Talk to Us Month – signposting to the services available
  • Suicide prevention – we have a dedicated suicide prevention first aider who shares information to support suicide prevention
  • World Mental Health Day – face to face drop in sessions for colleagues to connect and take time out.

Our MHFAs also make wellness calls to all of our colleagues. Each month, each MHFA makes calls to colleagues to see how they are and to offer any support should they need it.

We also have counselling available and a support line 24/7 for colleagues to access.