
Mark's journey 6x4

Let’s start from the beginning

Mark was referred to the Scarborough Employment Support team by an income advisor at Beyond Housing. His partner had called to discuss their rent and during the conversation disclosed that Mark wasn’t currently in work, and hadn’t recently been in any continued employment due to his Kniest Dysplasia diagnosis, which is a form of dwarfism.

In Mark’s first employment support meeting he had a positive discussion with Key Worker Luke, about his ambitions and what he wanted to gain from the Building Better Opportunities (BBO) programme. He expressed that he wanted to learn new skills, increase his confidence and most importantly find a full time job that didn’t focus on his height – as this is something that all of his previous jobs had centred around.


Achievements and goals

Mark worked with Luke and the Scarborough Employment Support team for nine months, with his achievements during that time completely transforming his life:

• Successfully applied for Universal Credit

• Successfully applied for PIP benefit

• Paid off his rent arrears, set up a direct debit and is now ahead of his rent payments

• Got himself a brand new mobility car so he can get around more easily

• Completed and passed a business course

• Completed and passed a first aid course.

Most importantly, thanks to his hard work and commitment, Mark accomplished his main goal of gaining full time employment securing a job as a porter at a local hotel.


Sustaining success

Since completing the BBO programme four months ago, Mark has successfully sustained his full time job as a hotel porter and his confidence is going from strength to strength. He even starred in one of our Beyond Housing customer videos, using his personal experiences to educate others about the benefits of setting up a direct debit.


A final word about Mark

“Mark is a dedicated individual who puts in 100% to achieve his ambitions. When he first began working with me and the Scarborough Employment Support team, he was told he may have a long journey ahead of him but if he puts in the work and effort he would reap the rewards – and that’s exactly what he did. We’re all very proud of him.” – Luke, BBO Key Worker.


About Building Better Opportunities

The Building Better Opportunities programme is all about helping people to overcome complex needs, build confidence and resilience, become less isolated and move closer towards gaining employment.

If you or somebody you know is currently unemployed and not actively looking for work, the BBO programme could be the gentle nudge that’s needed to help them begin their journey back into employment.

Get in touch and speak with our team

· Call – 07967453502
· Email - ScarboroughEmployment@beyondhousing.co.uk

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