
Community safety partnerships: Preventing anti-social behaviour (ASB)

We will uphold the principles of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998, the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 and other related legislation and will use the powers contained within them for the purpose of detecting and preventing ASB.

We are represented on the Community Safety Partnership/Community Impact team and work with the police, the office of the police and crime commissioner, the local authority and other agencies to develop effective strategies for dealing with ASB. This may involve the following:

  • Joint visits with the police or other agencies
  • Participation in tactical tasking meetings
  • Participation in operational tasking meetings
  • Attendance at multi-agency problem-solving group meetings
  • Liaising with other agencies to agree on positive requirements to support an injunction application
  • Participation in both local and regional forums, sharing information and attending multi-agency and risk management meetings as appropriate
  • Participation in the ASB case review (formerly the Community Trigger) process – see links to relevant local authority case reviews below.

In addition to existing arrangements, we will continue to develop new partnerships for the purpose of preventing and reducing ASB.

If you do experience ASB, you can report it here and select the option to ‘report anti-social behaviour’.

Local authority case reviews

Please click on the button links to view the case review on each of the council’s websites.

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