
Your Home – Life cycles

It is essential we invest in our homes to make sure they are of high quality and last well into the future. We have set life cycles for the key elements of our properties, and these are industry standard.

To support and validate the data we hold on our housing stock, we also conduct a full property stock condition survey every five years, carried out by both our in-house surveyors and also external consultants. If they notice an element of the building needs replacing sooner than its life cycle, they will bring this piece of work forward and we will schedule it to be completed as soon as reasonably possible.

The expected life cycles of our property components are:

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Windows: 30 years

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Roofs: 70 years

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Heating systems: 30 years

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Bathrooms: 30 years

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Boilers: 15 years

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Kitchens: 20 years

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External walls (pointing/wall finish): 60 years

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External doors: 30 years

Electrical rewires are completed following a failed Electrical Installation Report (EICR) or if identified by a qualified electrician whilst undertaking works.

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