

We are a Disability Confident Employer. This means we ask all applicants to our vacancies to declare whether they have a disability so we can ensure we invite them to a selection process if they meet the essential criteria on the person specification, and so we can make appropriate reasonable adjustments if required. Additionally, through our sickness absence and other procedures, where it comes to light that someone has a condition that may be considered a disability, we make reasonable adjustments to accommodate their needs.  




2023                                     2022
Disability declared Number Percentage Number  Percentage
Yes 39 5% 30 5%
No 683 95% 711 95%
722 741


Mean and median disability pay gap 

Calculating the pay gap between those who declare they have a disability and those who have not:  

  • Our mean disability pay gap was 2.9 

This means that on average, colleagues in Beyond Housing who declare they have a disability are paid 2.9% less than other colleagues. This is a reduction on last year’s pay gap which was 5.7. 

  • Our median disability pay gap was 6.3 

This means the average colleague who declares they have a disability are paid 6.3% less than other colleagues. This is an increase on the previous year’s pay gap which was 2.2% more. 

Pay quartiles

Disabled No disability declared
Lower % 6% (+) 94% (-)
Lower middle % 6% (+) 94% (-)
Upper middle % 4% (=) 96% (=)
Upper % 6% (+) 94% (-)


Commentary on disability pay gap

There has been a small increase overall in colleagues declaring a disability (from 30 colleagues in 2022 to 39 colleagues in 2023), and the data shows that our colleagues who declare a disability are still evenly distributed across the quartiles.  

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