
Flood advice

Floods are becoming an increasing part of modern life thanks to changing weather patterns, an increase in modern development and an ageing drainage infrastructure. Not all floods are alike. Some floods develop slowly, whilst others, like flash floods, can develop in just a few minutes and without visible signs of rain. On top of this, floods can be local, impacting a neighbourhood or community, or very large in the case of tidal and river basin floods.

Flash floods can occur within a few minutes or hours of excessive rainfall and often have a dangerous wall of roaring water carrying rocks, mud and other debris. Overland flooding, the most common type of flooding event, typically occurs when waterways such as rivers or streams overflow their banks as a result of rainwater. Floods can also occur when rainfall or snowmelt exceeds the capacity of underground pipes, or the capacity of streets and drains designed to carry flood water away from urban areas.

Be aware of flood hazards no matter where you live or work, especially if you are in low-lying areas or near water. Even very small streams, dry streambeds or low-lying ground that appear harmless in dry weather can flood.

Our responsibility
  • We will support you, giving you advice and guidance
  • Ensure you home is safe and habitable after flooding, which may include the use of drying and professional cleaning equipment
  • If your home is not habitable after the flood we will arrange temporary accommodation until repairs have been carried out.
Your responsibility
  • You can’t prevent your home from flooding but you can prepare for a flood, which will minimise damage
  • To get in touch with the local authority if you need sandbags or pumping equipment
  • To ensure you have home contents insurance to replace personal belongings or repair cosmetic damage that has occurred. From as little as 29p per week, our home contents insurance scheme can provide a safety net
  • You should do your best to limit the damage to the first affected room or area
  • Line the doors of the affected room(s) with towels, rags and other cloths to prevent the spread of water from adjacent room(s) causing more damage
  • Turn off your electrical supply at the main fuse box if your home begins to flood
  • If it’s a burst pipe, immediately turn off the water at the main stop tap. This is usually located under the kitchen sink, if not, please ask for us to locate it for you
  • If there is water coming from the ceiling use a couple of buckets to collect it to prevent damage to the floor.
Flood plan
  • Check with your local council about local flood plans or records which detail problem areas
  • Check your contents insurance to make sure it covers flood damage
  • If a flood is an immediate risk, move as much of your personal belongings to a higher level such as worktops, on tables, or upstairs if possible
  • Store items which could help in a flood such as, buckets, old rags and towels waterproof bags to put belongings in
  • Keep all important paperwork such as passports, insurance documents and birth certificates in a safe place or waterproof container
  • You can also visit yorkshirewater.com for more information.
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