
Employment Support and Training

Case Study: April


April had long-term confidence issues as she had limited experience in the workplace and was also dealing with some mental health issues. She’d tried various approaches to seek employment but had not been successful and wanted some support from our team.


To help with April’s confidence we encouraged her to attend weekly art therapy sessions and our team also helped to update her CV. We had weekly meetings with April as well, and all of this combined eventually gave her the courage to start looking for suitable roles.

Once April had begun applying for jobs we advanced her to our next level of interview preparation. This included carrying out company research and taking part in mock interviews – April’s confidence and IT skills grew during these sessions.


April was offered an interview for a position at a nearby care organisation and she was a bit anxious as this was her first one in ten years. To help her prepare, we carried out a mock interview the day before so she felt more at ease.

The interview was quite intense and included tests and role-play – it lasted for two hours. But we are so very pleased to say that April was offered the job and began her induction the following week – a fantastic outcome!


‘Congratulations April and well done on securing your job – all your hard work was worth it!’

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