Employment Support and Training
Case Study: Nykki
Nykki had been struggling to find employment for some time and this began to affect her mental health, as it knocked her confidence and motivation. She knew she wanted to do something within the digital communications area, maybe eventually setting up a business, but she didn’t know where to start.
She also had some debt with her current water company which was adding to the issues and preventing her from moving forward with positive plans for her career.
With our advisor, Nykki looked at available job roles she liked the sound of, but something wasn’t clicking. This helped Nykki decide that she wanted to put her digital marketing qualification to use and set up her own business offering services to promote local organisations online. The team supported Nykki with putting together a business plan and also looked at other options such as referring her to ‘Yorkshire In Business’ for additional support, but she was happy to move ahead with her plan.
In addition to this, we referred Nykki for counseling and support from the Energy Doctor.
Nykki is well on her way with her business as she has come up with a company name, designed the marketing materials, promoted her business on local community pages and set up a Facebook page ready for launch.
Nykki has also completed her counseling sessions and arranged a payment plan agreement for her water debt and feels in a much better place financially.
‘Well done Nykki, we wish you every success with your digital marketing business!’